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Bing Ads & Yandex

Bing and Yandex are a perfect way to drive people to your website who are actively looking to purchase your product or service.


Microsoft Advertising is a service that provides pay per click advertising on Bing and Yahoo! search engines. It has a very significant market share in the United States (around 30%) while in Europe the market share drops to around 5%. In Europe, Bing Ads campaigns bring less volume than Google Ads, but have excellent performance in terms of return on investment as they are much more focused on the B2B market.

Recently Bing also launched the Bing Shopping Product with the same mechanism as Google’s: Ad campaigns based on the image of the product that take information from the Data Feed which represents the key to success of campaigns.

Yandex is the Russian search engine with a very strong market share in Russia of around 64%. The platform is also used on a regular basis in countries such as Kazakhstan and Belarus where the market share is around 40%.

Yandex campaigns work very similar to Google Search, therefore based on KWs (keywords). With this type of campaign you can target traffic with precision and aim for a highly performing ROI.

Why start with us?

Our Strengths

  • Direct experience in the management of ADV campaigns for more than 15 years.
  • Knowledge of National and International Marketsthrough the direct management of online strategies
  • Maximum transparency of all results with the client Definition of targeted targets

Definition of targets

  • Increase in Sales, Orders and Leads.
  • ROI: The ultimate goal for e-commerce is always the ROI target (Return on investment)
  • CPA: Reduction of acquisition costs (CPA) Our Strategy

Our Strategy

  • Analysisand study of data to define the winning strategy
  • Creation of Bing Search and Shopping and Yandex Search campaigns
  • Implementation of the Campaign Structure in a capillary way that best reflect the website.
  • Continuous optimization with detailed reports. We constantly measure and optimize every element of the campaign to achieve higher performance.