WGM Digital special guest at Tim in Genoa
On the occasion of the Tim Inclusion Week in Genoa, the WGM Digital agency with Alessandro Moscatelli and the newspaper The Way Magazine were invited to the TIM headquarters to participate with ad hoc content at Inclusion Week, a unique opportunity to learn about the topics most current digital.
“We were honored to have been chosen for the first digital day of TIM Inclusion 2019 aimed at TIM employees” says Alessandro Moscatelli at the helm of WGM Digital. The entrepreneur, thanks also to his international experiences (London, Paris, Auckland and Milan) within leading digital companies in the sector, has been able to successfully lead innovative digital strategies on various global and ambitious projects.
The Way Magazine, which oversaw the organization of the event, thus chose Moscatelli to create a moment of meeting and discussion with dozens of employees of the telecommunications giant in Genoa who followed a day of in-depth studies on digital marketing and digital strategies.
The theme of the TIM Inclusion day was focused on small and medium businessesand the starting point was to share how small businesses should act strategically to optimize the search for new customers in the right way and thus improve the turnover from online activities. .
“Digital strategies, in fact, are no longer a matter for large companies and organizations, but are part of the reality of all businesses and activities, whether large or small,” Moscatelli told Tim employees.
The expert says: “To begin, we became aware of the need to construct a strategy that starts from the analysis of historical data and the desired targets in terms of volumes and revenues. Then specifically, it is good to know the activities and channels to be used for Paid Marketing, the most critical area of the moment, in which lack of knowledge and unqualified personnel can penalize “.
The cost of paid marketing campaigns is relatively low considering the potential growth, explains the speaker: “A cost per click can cost as little as 0.04 euro cents and achieve brilliant results in terms of growth volumes and turnover, but it requires consistency and Preparation. This is a long path in which experience and targeted optimizations on campaigns based on analytical data are crucial. The set of digital actions and strategies lead to a concrete and quick result compared to other marketing channels. “
The data shown in the conference room of TIM Academy, the largest in Italy in the TIM circuit, showed that today the potential in Italy is still immense and that about 45% of medium-sized companies are unprepared to face a marketing development strategy suitable for the various Adv platforms The complexity of the projects to be carried out within companies tends to postpone decisions that are fundamental to digital innovation and digitization: “I often see a conservative entrepreneurial approach with respect to sales channels– says Moscatelli – but today all areas of marketing are part of a large and complex strategy and the online channel represents the starting and landing runway for all marketing activities (Online, Offline, TV and Radio) and that is why it is essential to support growth and the change we are witnessing these days “.